Thursday, February 20

Bed ICT Project Proposal

ICT Project Proposal
Title of the Project:

Student Evaluation Record System

Background and Justification:  
                        Many schools in Sri Lanka create mark sheets, Analysis and Create student Progress Report  in manually by ink and paper, which is very slow and consuming much efforts and time. Very few of them are use spreadsheet software like Microsoft Excel. But they also faced some problems. To compare from separate sheets in student, subject and term in several Students and Create Report cards. Therefore Teachers required to Design of a Computerized Automated Student Evaluation System, to speed up and make it easy to use.   
Target Group:

Staff of the School. 

Aims and objectives:

Display Marks List According To Class, Section, And Examination Type

Printing Of The Mark Sheet.

Get Report Of Teacher Performance According To Class, Section & Subject.

Gets Report Of Student Performance According Subjects.

Find Topper's List Subject Wise easily.

Find Topper's List Class Wise easily.

Software category:

Information System.

CD based


      This Student Evaluation System provides the facility to minimize the laborious and time consuming work of marks entry and generation of mark sheets. With the help of this software information related marks of an examination for a particular student, class, and section can be retrieved on the click.
          Mark sheet is a perfect app which enables every teacher to manage all the students of every class and all the tests and exams which they gave. Mark sheet are also available as per requirements. Multi-level reporting is also available as an added feature.
Key Features of Student Evaluation System :-
  • Simplified panel for teachers for entry of marks.
  • Automated Mark sheet generator.
  • Separate reports for different exams.
  • Customized reports of Mark sheet.
  • Multiple views for the user ease.
  • Easy to use.
  • Multiple user access available.
  • Available as both online as well as offline.
  • Data Stored in Encrypted form for security purpose.
Getting started with Software is very simple, because it provides a completely clear picture of student progress analysis throughout the academic session. It reduces the effort and time of teachers, and generates progress reports in a single go. It provides teachers a powerful and user friendly environment to work.
The Software provides the tracking of student progress on daily basis, assessment-wise, term-wise, and annually. Student progress can be reported through E-Mails, and SMS. This system provides an automatic calculation of grades from the marks enter by the teachers, as well as calculation of Total, Average, and Rank in class, and a complete merit list of students. This system provides a comparison graph of student performance.

Time line

1st Month
2nd Month
(1)    Identify the problem

(2)    Problem and requirement analysis

(3)    System analysis

(4)    Logical design

(5)   Physical design

(6)   Development and testing

(7)    Implementation

(8)   Evaluation