Saturday, June 1

My doughter's 1st BirthDay.

On 1st of March in 2013

ICT Project

ICT Project for B.Ed. ICT Students instead of the General ICT Paper Bachelor of Education, NIE

 1. Introduction
All B.Ed. students follow the General ICT subject in their third year. B.Ed. ICT students select two ICT subjects from the first year onwards as academic subjects. The weight of ICT subject components these students follow during the first year is greater than that of the 3rd year General ICT subject. Therefore, there is no need for these students to follow the General ICT subject. As such, these students could do an individual ICT project instead of the General ICT subject. Student may select project based on education software or management software for schools or NIE.

2. Objectives
 Identify suitable subject areas for software development. • Identify administration and management activities in schools for automation. • Analyses and designs software for educational and system management. • Develops educational software and school administration and management software

3. Content
 Content Instructional Strategy Duration Hrs
3.1. Introduction to software development life cycle Discussions Demonstrations Group work 6
3.2. Guidance for Project selection and submission draft project proposal Discussions 6
3.3. Project proposal demonstration Demonstrations Discussions 6
3.4. Guidance for Development of Project Design and submission Demonstrations Discussions 12
3.5. Guidance for software development Brainstorming Demonstrations 18
3.6. Guidance for preparation and submission of project report and software Discussions Demonstrations 6 3.7. Final project demonstration Demonstrations Discussions 6 Total 60 esentation

4.2. Project design presentation
4.3. Project Report presentation
4.4. Final project presentation and demonstration